friends of Braveaurora,
My name is Julia and I am 24 years old. I`m
here since one week and I will stay till the beginning of September as a
Volunteer in Guabuliga .
In my first
week I visited some lessons in the primary school and in the kindergarten, it`s
very interesting how the school system works here. As you can see on the last
block I also visited the quiz competition, where I handed the prices to the
quiz groups. The children were very good at the quiz and they are also very
inquisitive and motivated to learn.
In the next
weeks, when the vacations start, I want to start a music workshop with the
kids, because I found out, that they love to dance and sing. We will sing
english songs and play with the guitar
and the drums. At the end we will perform it to the parents and the stuff of
Braveaurora. I`m looking forward to it
and hope, the kids will enjoy it.
together, I`m very happy to be here. Since my arrival last week I enjoy every
day. All the people and the kids are so nice, it`s a pleasure to see and
experience the helpfulness and the life desire they all have.
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