Dear friends of BRAVEAURORA,
Four weeks ago a "Sexual Education Programme" started in the schools of Guabuliga. Every class from Primary four to Primary six and from Junior High School one to Junior High School three has now one lesson a week about reproductive health and sexual education.
The juveniles of Junior High school class 3 are listening carefully |
The programme was founded by the NGO Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana (YHFG), a cooperation partner of BRAVEAURORA. YHFG is based in the North of Ghana in Bolgatanga and is doing a lot of great projects. This programme includes various modules with topics like menstruation and wet dreams, HIV and STD's (=sexual transmitted deseases), relationship and sex, the correct use of condoms etc. The programme is very interactive and the kids get the opportunity to talk about their own experiences and get to know their own body better. The aim of the programme is not to ban sex from the live of the youth, but to make them aware that there can be a consequence if they are not carefull.
The children have to draw a male or female body and should |
name the sexual parts of the body |
The female body (drawn by the children) |
The naked body of a man (drawn by the children) |
The NGO Youth Harvest Foundation came to Guabuliga some months ago, to train peer educators from Guabuliga to do the programme in the school. BRAVEAURORA social worker Madame Suzie is teaching together with the headmaster of the JHS the children in the Junior High School. The BRAVEAURORA libarian Baba is teaching in the Primary School with the second social worker madam Eklimatu and the former host mother madam Dahamata.
The social worker madam Suzie with some pupils |
The headmaster of the junior high school talks about |
| the sexual | parts of the body |
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