
Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

Madame Suzie - Social Worker


My name is Suzie and I am one of the two social workers of BRAVEAURORA.

I am working in Guabuliga since November 2011.

Now 31 children have been reintegrated to 18 families.

I am responsible for 12 families.

My main tasks are sharing the food to the reintegrated children every 15th in one month.

Monitoring and supervision of our reintegrated kids.

Also the documentation of the supervision and check list.

Liaise with our children and their parents and write a care plan for each child.

On the 15th of each month the reintegrated children get food for one month

Suzie puts the food in different bags with family members

Madam Suzie controles the food sharing

Every reintegrated child gets rice, beans and maize

Madam Suzie is waiting for the parents in the food store

Every day madam Suzie is visiting the reintegrated children. On the picture she is speaking with our twins Assana and Fushina.

Rahi, volunteer Mirijam, social worker Suzie and Rahis mother, on a field visit at Rahis family

Inside the social workers office, Nyaaba, madam Suzie and project manager Severin

Since the year is ending, it is time to reflect about the past year. Suzie in conversation with Severin, in his office

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