
Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018


In principle, BA believes in using play as a teaching and learning pedagogy aimed at increasing enrolment, retention, promoting quality education and providing the needed environment for learners to unearth their potentials at a tender age.

Pursuant to this standard, BA with funding support from donors procured for the Guabuliga Kindergarten, a complement of play items. Included in the set of items are a merry-go-round, swing and slide. Footballs and skipping ropes were not left out of the package since their essence cannot be downplayed in achieving the desired outcomes.      

With BA not oblivious to the relevance of other Teacher and Learning Materials (TLMs) in improving quality and effective teaching and learning, also included in the support package are TLMs designed for KG education. As practiced, a brief presentation ceremony was organised at the forecourt of the KG to handover the items to the school. Present at the ceremony were Head teachers, SMC and PTA chair persons, teachers, students and BA staff.    

Speakers at the event expressed their gratitude to BA for honoring their pledge to the school and assured BA that the items would be accordingly used. Head teacher of the KG assured of improved performance at the KG since they now have adequate TLMs. On his part, the Executive Director of BA admonished the school to take good care of the items and that BA expects a resultant improvement in performance.

A follow-up training was offered to educate the teachers on the use of the TLMs. The program was packed with excitement, sense of fulfilment, joy and renaissance among all stakeholders present.

The renewed feeling manifested at the ceremony gives much credence to BA's slogan of “Small Moves, Big Change”.