
Mittwoch, 12. April 2017

Young Ambassadors in Takouka

Last week the social workers and the Young Ambassadors visited the little community of Takouka to talk about the disadvantages of orphanages. Two former orphans and some parents reported about their personal experience with institutional care for children. The first thing we noticed when we arrived in Takouka was that the area around the village was really neat. You could hardly see rubber or waste in general as other villages are characterised with. Community members told us about how an NGO helped their sanitisation by educating and supporting them in the construction of latrines.
The community was really thankful and curious to get information about the volunteer-business and had many questions for the YAP team.

Samstag, 1. April 2017


The carpenters, bakers and weavers practiced for several weeks towards their exam. In Guabuliga, you could smell the aroma of bread and the loud sounds of hammers and saws were early to hear. On Monday, the 27th of March, the bakers and carpenters had their big exam. Two experts arrived already on Sunday in Guabuliga to examine them. The carpenters got eight hours per day to finish their beds. The bakers baked four different types of bread. It was a frantic time. Everyone was in a rush and didn't seem prepared enough.

On Tuesday, the weavers started very early. It was 4.30 am when we heard the sound of their looms. It took time to finish the fabrics but they did well. The carpenters required more time to finish, but in the end they built four very nice beds.